Skin Bleaching And Side Effects 

​Skin bleaching is a cosmetic way to lighten up the skin tone, and most people apply this cosmetic all over the body so as to change their skin colour mostly from black to white. But most people don’t know what chemicals most skin bleaching products use, most of the products contain Mercury, Monobenzone, Hydroquinone and other chemicals which are very harmful to the skin and the body in general. Skin damage due to long term use of toxic creams (Mercury, Monobenzone  and Hydroquinone) can be distressing. They can include thin/fragile skin, nerve damage, dark marks, changes in texture and hyperpigmentation. 

 Mercury:- Is a known toxic agent that can cause serious health problems, Mercury can be found in the blood, hair and urine of people who use skin products made with Mercury which can lead to serious psychiatric, neurological and kidney problems. It also causes skin rashes, discolouration, pain and scarring. 

 Hydroquinone:- The normal regulation for Hydroquinone is 2% but most skin bleaching/lightening products exceed that limit and that makes it very dangerous to the health. The use of Hydroquinone makes the skin less able to protect against harmful UVA and UVB rays from the Sun, which means there’s a greater chance of Sun Burns and skin Cancer . 

 Risk Factors Of Skin Bleaching:-

* Long term use can lead to skin CANCER.

* Prolonged use can lead to premature aging of the skin.

* Hydroquinone can lead to unwanted and untreatable skin discolouration  (OCHRONOSIS) 

The constant use of Belle Déesse VCNO is especially helpful in treating chemically damaged skin due to its ability to penetrate deep into the skin, it polishes the skin texture by moisturising it regularly to give it an even tone. This requires time and daily application, Belle Déesse VCNO also promotes skin regeneration. Belle Déesse Virgin Coconut Oil helps get rid of dead skin cells which allows fresh skin, and helps the skin’s healing process. This process helps diminish pigmentation over time. The healing process may take a long time from a few months to a year depending on how damaged the skin is. 

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