What Is Rosacea 

​Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition which causes dilated blood vessels and redness on facial skin and causes swelling. Symptoms include:- pimples and small bumps, redness on the nose, forehead, Chin & cheeks, coarser and bumpy skin texture. It’s sometimes mistaken for eczema or acne and it may also cause soreness and burning in the eyes. Rosacea affects people who are over 30 and is common in light skinned people, there are 4 sub types of Rosacea and 3 are related to the skin. This condition should be treated at once because it can cause destructive consequences when left untreated. 

 The daily use of Belle Déesse Shea Butter Black Soap helps tackle a lot of inflammatory skin conditions one of which is Rosacea. This is because the Plantain and Palm tree leaves present in Belle Déesse SBBS are rich in Vitamin A which is helpful against inflammatory skin conditions such as Rosacea. With the use of Belle Déesse SBBS the healing and regeneration of the skin cells is also reduced which prevents the spreading.  

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