Category: Belle Déesse VCNO

Diaper Rash

​Diaper rash is caused when the skin comes in contact with an irritant  (Urine, Detergent or Poop)

Seborrhoeic dermatitis also shows up on your babies bottom, this can be caused by:- Yeast Infection, Allergic reactions to diaper, Leaving a wet or dirty diaper on for too long, Bacteria Infection, Chafing or Rubbing of the skin against the diaper. This also causes diaper rash.

 Diaper rash usually appears on older babies 8 – 12 months or sometimes younger ones too. If they are on Antibiotics or when the mother takes Antibiotics while nursing. Sleeping in a diaper filled with Urine or Poop. And when they start taking solid food. Diaper rash can be prevented by simply changing the diaper. 

 Using Belle Déesse Virgin Coconut Oil For Diaper Rash:- it’s antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial. Belle Déesse VCNO contains Lauric Acid that treats bacterial and fungal problems. Lauric and Caprylic Acids kill fungus growth and other Yeast Infections. It treats and nourishes the irritated skin. Babies are not known to be Allergic to virgin coconut oil. Vitamin E prevents cracking and allows healthy skin growth.  

 Directions:- Wash your baby’s bottom after changing a diaper, allow to dry for 3 – 5mins. Apply Belle Déesse Virgin Coconut Oil to the affected area using your finger tips. Leave for 5mins so as to dry completely. Go ahead and Wear a new diaper on your baby.

Stretch Marks And Belle Déesse VCNO 

​Stretch marks also known as striae are a form of scarring on the skin. Stretch marks are caused by tearing of the dermis, this happens due to rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth or rapid weight changes. Stretch marks may also be influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty, body building, pregnancy or hormone replacement therapy. Stretch marks occurs when the body grows faster than the skin can keep up with, and this causes the elastic fibers just under the surface of the skin to break. 

  Stretch marks can be formed in different parts of the body like the belly, thighs, breasts, hips, arms, buttocks and lower back. About 85% of women get stretch marks during the sixth to ninth month of pregnancy. Genetics also play a role, if your mother had them during pregnancy then you’re most likely to get them too during pregnancy. Dark skinned women tend to develop stretch marks that are lighter than their skin tone, while light skinned women develop pinkish stretch marks. 

Prevention:- There’s no known way to prevent stretch marks, but using a lotion or cream rich in Vitamin E, K and Iron such as Belle Déesse VCNO would make your skin smoother and it helps the itchiness on the belly that comes with pregnancy. Also staying well hydrated with water helps from within. We suggest Belle Déesse VCNO because of it’s antioxidant properties which fights free radicals to gradually fade the appearance of stretch marks. Belle Déesse Virgin Coconut Oil contains Vitamin E,K and Iron which helps fade stretch marks. And as some of us know virgin coconut oil contains Lauric Acid which has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties which aids healing and fights bacteria. Belle Déesse Virgin Coconut Oil keeps the skin soft. 

Belle Déesse VCNO Sugar Scrub:- There are lots of ways to use Belle Déesse VCNO on stretch marks but I’ll talk about one that can easily be done Everyday. 

Mix 2 tablespoons of Belle Déesse VCNO with 2 tablespoons of sugar, Stir well until it’s completely mixed. Now gently massage onto the affected area, and leave on for 15 – 25mins. Rinse out with lukewarm water. Do this everyday to help fade the stretch marks. 

 Remember natural skin care takes time so be patient and you’ll see results. 

Skin Bleaching And Side Effects 

​Skin bleaching is a cosmetic way to lighten up the skin tone, and most people apply this cosmetic all over the body so as to change their skin colour mostly from black to white. But most people don’t know what chemicals most skin bleaching products use, most of the products contain Mercury, Monobenzone, Hydroquinone and other chemicals which are very harmful to the skin and the body in general. Skin damage due to long term use of toxic creams (Mercury, Monobenzone  and Hydroquinone) can be distressing. They can include thin/fragile skin, nerve damage, dark marks, changes in texture and hyperpigmentation. 

 Mercury:- Is a known toxic agent that can cause serious health problems, Mercury can be found in the blood, hair and urine of people who use skin products made with Mercury which can lead to serious psychiatric, neurological and kidney problems. It also causes skin rashes, discolouration, pain and scarring. 

 Hydroquinone:- The normal regulation for Hydroquinone is 2% but most skin bleaching/lightening products exceed that limit and that makes it very dangerous to the health. The use of Hydroquinone makes the skin less able to protect against harmful UVA and UVB rays from the Sun, which means there’s a greater chance of Sun Burns and skin Cancer . 

 Risk Factors Of Skin Bleaching:-

* Long term use can lead to skin CANCER.

* Prolonged use can lead to premature aging of the skin.

* Hydroquinone can lead to unwanted and untreatable skin discolouration  (OCHRONOSIS) 

The constant use of Belle Déesse VCNO is especially helpful in treating chemically damaged skin due to its ability to penetrate deep into the skin, it polishes the skin texture by moisturising it regularly to give it an even tone. This requires time and daily application, Belle Déesse VCNO also promotes skin regeneration. Belle Déesse Virgin Coconut Oil helps get rid of dead skin cells which allows fresh skin, and helps the skin’s healing process. This process helps diminish pigmentation over time. The healing process may take a long time from a few months to a year depending on how damaged the skin is. 


Meconium is the earliest stool of an infant which is sticky, thick, and dark green and is typically passed in the womb during the early pregnancy and again in the first few days after birth. Meconium is composed of materials ingested during the time the infant spends in the uterus : intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile and water. Meconium is retained in the infants bowel until after birth. The inhaled Meconium can partially or completely block the baby’s airways. 

New born Meconium is difficult to clean but a little Belle Déesse VCNO on a cotton swab, and it’ll clean just right.